C.C. Chapman

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Looking Forward to 2013

Every fall as the trees begin to change and the temperature leaves frost on the morning grass I get reflective on the days gone by and the year ahead.

Some may wait until the hectic holidays are upon us and the shovels and snowblowers are out, but by then I like to be prepared to flip over the calendar with a vengeance long.

2013 is going to be a big year for me. It has to be.

Ever since selling The Advance Guard in 2009, I haven't felt as if I had a solid direction. There has been plenty to keep me busy and yet that entrepreneurial DNA inside of me was never fully satisfied.

Throughout this year, in those quiet moments on the road or whenever I found myself idling well, I kept having this pull in one direction. Sitting in the audience at World Domination Summit the idea began to formalize and the more I talked about it, the more I realized that it could be a permanent direction for me and my future. The ducks are not in a row yet to announce anything, but I'm looking forward to a new focus in the type of consulting work I choose to do.

Amazing Things Will Happen will be a big focus of mine. Hitting the shelves just before the holidays means that the first half of the year will certainly be focused on making sure it is a successful book. I'm very proud of it and I hope others will take the words to heart. How big of a success it becomes I have no idea. But, it is something that I've wanted to write for a long time and if it connects in the way that I hope, it could cause a dramatic shift for me.

Those two things would be enough to keep any normal human busy, but of course I've got more on my plate.

With speaking engagements already booked for British Columbia, Louisville, Las Vegas and Houston in 2013 I can't wait to see where else in the world I travel to.

I plan to continue freelance writing, producing new episodes of Passion Hit TV and leading a new project that if things line up will be the largest initiative I've ever been involved with.

As I said, 2013 is going to be a big year and I'm trying to insure that I'm ready for it. I haven't started thinking about my three words yet, but I know they are on the horizon.

Am I the only crazy one planning ahead?