C.C. Chapman

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Challenge, Value and Create - My Three Words for 2015

2015 Three Words for CC Chapman are Challenge, Value and Create The final hours of the year are upon us and I know that 2014 was not the year I had hoped for.

In the grand scheme of my life, it won't be that bad of a year, but right now it was full of disappointments and multiple curve balls that I wasn't ready for. Yes, it also contained love filled memories and smiles. But, in my head it wasn't a great year.

As I read over last years three words post, it hit me again how much I was ready to move forward and not reflect any more on the last year.

"Get Your Mind Right!" is a saying I've heard many times over the years and that is why 2014 wasn't the best year, because my mind was definitely not right. I let my lizard brain talk too much in a way that I hadn't in years. I could see that was the problem and yet I didn't fix it.

So, planning out my three words for next year was a very different exercise this go around.

It went quicker than it ever has, as the three words jumped out at me almost immediately. I let them sit for a week to make sure that they still resonated as strong as before and they keep screaming at me so they must be the right ones.


As with most of the words I choose, there are multiple meanings.

The most direct route of inspiration for this word is the goal of completing a GORUCK Challenge in 2015.

My recent GORUCK Light was a huge accomplishment for me and the community of GORUCK Nation has helped me focus on life in a way that I wasn't expecting them too and I want to push myself for more.

I even inspired my sister and wife to the point that they both signed up to do a GORUCK Light in June and I'm going to be doing it with them as well. You should join us.

But, beyond the event, I also want to challenge myself in all aspects of my life. Things have become a bit too comfortable and Never Enough Days is the first company I've ever started on my own and if that isn't a challenge I don't know what is.

The hope is that beyond pushing myself physically (which I've been doing a lot of lately and I love the feeling), that I can challenge myself in all areas of my life. My other two words will help with that.


If it doesn't add value or costs me too much then it gets cut or not accepted. That is what I'm telling myself over and over.

I've come to recognize that I can get lost in the click-stream of the world around me too easily and without focus it gets worse. The focus I crave comes from assigning value to all choices.

This means I've begun cleaning out my feeds, being very selective of what opportunities I accept and insuring that I value my time above all else. There was too much wasted this past year on other people, networks and organizations. I need to make sure not to make those mistakes again.

I chose this word also because I want to insure that what I ship, say and do adds value in some way to those around me. Sure, that is vague and can change depending on the day, but it makes sense in my head.

I'll pause and ponder before I hit that post button every time.


A few weeks back at a family gathering my dad cracked, "I remember when you were creative..." with a wink in my direction. I knew what he was talking about and it wasn't a slam at all, but it did get my brain going.

As mentioned already, I've gotten a little too comfortable with the known and am not pushing enough, experimenting and playing with my creativity. A new 10mm fisheye lens arrived from Samsung during the holidays, so that is an easy first step to creating in a new way with my photography.

But, I also want to create in whole new areas. Perhaps create an event, create more with my hands or write something in a completely different genre.

Of course, this could be at odds with the last word because many times when you are creating, it doesn't instantly give any value. But, it almost always gives value in your heart and soul and that is more than enough value some times.


2015 is almost here and I'm looking forward to being challenged to create things that deliver value. Just typing that cracks me up because it feels like what so many people do today in order to make what they are working on filled with buzzwords, but I couldn't resist writing it since I laughed myself silly as my fingers hit the keys.

I'm going to push myself both physically and mentally. I'm going to create new things and insure that the time I spend on anything is worth it.

Never Enough Days is going to take off and find its wings. I've embraced that it may be a slow build, but I'm confident in it.

There will be events, new friends and long nights. I'll take the stage, work with amazing companies and teach in my first college classroom.

One child will get their license and another will begin high school. My passport will get some new stamps and I'll see a variety of beautiful views.

Twelve months is not a long time and before we know it, I'll be here looking back to see how I did and looking ahead to the next twelve.

I hope that you have a very fulfilling new year and that the world around all of us learns to be a bit more kind and helpful towards everyone. That one little thing would improve an infinite number of lives.

Goodbye 2014 and hello 2015!