C.C. Chapman

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FiOS Quantum TV Gives Me Too Many Choices

FiOS Quantum TV We've had Verizon FiOS in our house from the first moment it was made available in our area.

For years I had to sit by and lust over it while working on some of their earliest marketing campaigns during my Advance Guard days.

Recently an ad popped up on my screen advertising their new FiOS Quantum TV service. I probably ignored it the first couple of times, but eventually I clicked through to find out more.

We were always running out of DVR space and the idea of suddenly having 200 hours of space seemed like a blessing.

Sure, it costs a bit more a month (depends on what level you are at now and what level you want to go to), but it was minimal in my mind for what we'd be getting.


It does mean an equipment upgrade, but I got sent everything in the mail so I could do it myself. If you can unscrew a cable from one cable box and screw it on to another one you can handle it. No waiting for a service window is always a good thing to me.

Now, instead of a DVR in every room we have one central media server in our living room and then every other TV in the house gets a tiny little cable box. You can watch anything recorded on any television in the house.

But, here is my problem.

We've never been a family that watches a lot of television. Sure, we have our nights when we'll binge, but all in all we don't watch much.

Then, we upgraded just before the fall television premieres began. Suddenly instead of thinking "oh we should check that out sometime" we were saying "lets record that and see if it is any good."

We opened up our recently recorded list last night and suddenly we had pages of shows to watch and we hadn't even hit 20% full on the DVR.

This ability to record up to ten shows at once without worry of running out of space might be a bad thing. :)

Of course, I'm being a bit tongue and cheek here, but I have a feeling that we'll be doing a lot more recording than we do watching because of our new found options.

FiOS, once again you've done it.

I'd write more, but I need to watch the new episodes of Blacklist, Gotham and Sons of Anarchy.

Disclosure: I am a member of the newly launched #LifeOnFiOS Influencer Program. This means every month you'll see a technology focused post from me. I come up with the topics. I write the words. The thoughts are mine.