C.C. Chapman

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When Your Children Suddenly Become High Schoolers

Dylan and Emily - First Day of School 2015 The house is strangely quiet.

It shouldn't feel weird since on any other day for the last couple of months it would be just as quiet with the kids still in bed sleeping.

But, today is different. Today is the start of a new month and a new chapter in our lives. The start of a new school year in which I find both of my kids attending High School.

This day always hits me hard. Today is worse than usual.

The reality that there will only be one more back to school breakfast and photo shoot with both kids is weighing heavy on my heart.

2015 First Day of School

This was the first year they didn't want to take the "silly photo" after we get a good one. We did get this funny one with Nadia though :)

Dylan even added a little icing to the cake by asking to borrow the car so he could get to school early and try to change one of his classes. It was a solid reason, but we all know he just wanted to say he drove to school for the first time.

2015 First Day of School

Emily and I chatted about my mixed emotions. It is going to be an interesting start for her with several of her closest friends going to other high schools. But, even though I can't believe my little girl is so grown up, at the same time I'm excited as she approaches the next phase of her life.

Driving. Junior Prom. High school hijinks. Football game. Drama club. Who knows what else?

Lots of moments coming up this school year and while I reflect and look forward at the same time I can't help but feel proud.

Little things are constantly reminding Laura and I that we are doing ok at this parenting thing.