C.C. Chapman

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New House, New Morning

As I write this I'm sitting on the couch in a mostly empty family with a coffee I had to go out and get because the kitchen is still 99% in boxes. I'm still surprised that the WiFi signal reaches out here from the office. The previous owner had wired this room so I thought I'd have to go that way but I guess not. The biggest change about this house is how QUIET it is. Last night we laid in bed and listened to the peepers go on and on. Felt like we were camping. Then when the big thunderstorm rolled through it was a new kind of cool. Roxie is trying to adjust but had a long night last night. Every new sound and smell she needs to check out.

Both parents are coming down today and the kids come home. That is when the fun is really going to start. The fridge also should be coming today. We lucked out on that one since last weekend was the no tax weekend in the state so inventory is low. We lucked out big time. Otherwise we'd be without a fridge for at least a week.